Walk + Talk Therapy


Using nature as part of the healing process.

Out of the office and into the outdoors!


Walk + Talk Therapy is not a new phenomena and is becoming more widely used within therapeutic practices. Integrating nature and movement to provide a holistic treatment can benefit many clients, especially those who don’t feel comfortable in an office setting. This type of therapy takes sessions outdoors and can include taking walks to local parks or hiking trails. It has been shown that nature and movement can both help create a space of openness and ease for people to discuss their feelings. Walk + Talk practices have shown to be particularly effective with teens and younger clients.

Before committing to this type of therapy, there are a few considerations to be made including your level of physical health and the limits of confidentiality and privacy concerns. Confidentiality is put at risk due to the public settings that walking takes place in. Meaning, you may recognize someone you know and our conversation may be overheard by any others who wander by. I will ask you important questions about your level of comfort with this and how you would like to handle our relationship if approached by someone you know.

There is an immense about of research that supports the mind and body connection and the healing powers of nature, if this is something you would like to explore for your treatment, let’s talk about it!

Devan LarsenComment